

relax, inhale, exhale.

this is not because i hate these bunch of jobs but i hate those bloody stupid people.

duh gustii..paringono sabar 🙁

*ternyata ada yang lebih bodoh daripada saya, ck ck ck.

p.s :
eh eh, have i told you guys that my beloved upin has passed away?
tidak tau kenapa karena tampak baik-baik saja. saya menangis *ok, its silly but i did it* sambil menelpon madam sore itu, lalu kami menghanyutkanya ke krueng aceh. tampaknya, dia menderita semacam gegar otak, pendarahan di kepala atau semacamnya, mengingat beberapa minggu yang lalu saya jatuhkan dia dari gendongan. atau asumsi kedua adalah, dia dibunuh kekasih hatinya sendiri, si ipin. karena entah mengapa, sejak meninggalnya upin, ipin tampak bahagia dengan berenang kesana kemari, mau makan dan berdiri-diri. hanya tuhan yang tau.. *sigh


  1. Brokoli sehat 08/10/2008 at 9:48 am

    Beberapa hari lalu aku ngobrol-ngobrol dengan temenku, katanya para aktivis yang kerja di NGO, atau di badan asing itu jadi pihak yang terjajah di kantor sendiri. Sementara mereka dibayar sekian juta saja, bule-bule co worker mereka dibayar jauuuuuuh diatas mereka, dengan fasilitas yang jauuuuh lebih baik

  2. misskepik 08/10/2008 at 9:53 am

    temenku di NGO sebelah begitu mbak, alhamdulillah aku merasa cukup disini. justru terjajah sama orang sendiri. ck ck ck. sampe speechless ngeliat mereka kerja begitu. duhhhhh

  3. Brokoli sehat 08/10/2008 at 10:10 am

    wah ini menarik nih. Terjajah sama orang sendiri dan “sampe speechless ngeliat mereka kerja begitu”. Memangnya bagaimana mereka kerja?

  4. misskepik 08/10/2008 at 10:37 am

    selalu bilang gak tau tanpa mau tau. ngomongnya mbundhet-mbundhet tapiujung-ujung nya gak ngerti-ngerti juga. aku gak mau rasis ya mbak.tapi entah kenapa mereka ini agak malas yiaaa.. duh duh.

  5. Anonymous 08/10/2008 at 11:04 am

    Aceh BIGGEST rehabilitation and reconstruction process in the world… Well, hanya orang2 professional, tabah dan berani ambil tantangan aja mau kerja dsini.This is not talking about money they earn but the performance they give to Rebuilding Aceh better.I’ve been working here in Aceh since the tsunami emergency phase and it is very nice to see that things improving well in the fields despite of massive pressures in the offices of NGOs and any kind of organisations.Pressures in the offices are equally tense with pressures in the fields. I can assumed that as there are vastly majority of field officers feel enormously uncomfortable giving their best performance without stepping into others tail.I like your word TIA, this is Aceh. well done misskepik.Saleum,

  6. misskepik 08/10/2008 at 11:25 am

    well,fyi, i am soooo happy to see the houses in Ulhelheu and another place in the tsunami area. With the kids playing around and beautiful scenery.well, despite all the bad things happened here, this is my dream, to be here, with the post conflict and disaster syndrome.

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